Thursday, December 31, 2009

Unicode Character List

To use these, open notepad or word and hold down alt while pressing the numbers on the right-side of the equal sign one at a time on the numpad*. For example, for Ü = 154, you hold alt while you press 1 on the numpad, then 5 on the numpad, then 4 on the numpad. You can also name a file with one or more of these symbols. For example, I named my music file some of the music symbols:

☺ = 1
☻ = 2
♥ = 3
♦ = 4
♣ = 5
♠ = 6
• = 7
◘ = 8
○ = 9
◙ = 10
♂ = 11
♀ = 12
♪ = 13
♫ = 14
☼ = 15
◄ = 17
► = 16
↕ = 18
‼ = 19
¶ = 20
§ = 21
▬ = 22
↨ = 23
↑ = 24
↓ = 25
→ = 26
← = 27
∟ = 28
↔ = 29
▲ = 30
▼ = 31
Characters that are on the keyboard already until:
⌂ = 127
Ç = 128
ü = 129
é = 130
â = 131
ä = 132
à = 133
å = 134
ç = 135
ê = 136
ë = 137
è = 138
ï = 139
î = 140
ì = 141
Ä = 142
Å = 143
É = 144
æ = 145
Æ = 146
ô = 147
ö = 148
ò = 149
û = 150
ù = 151
ÿ = 152
Ö = 153
Ü = 154
¢ = 155
£ = 156
¥ = 157
₧ = 158
ƒ = 159
á = 160
í = 161
ó = 162
ú = 163
ñ = 164
Ñ = 165
ª = 166
º = 167
¿ = 168
⌐ = 169
¬ = 170
½ = 171
¼ = 172
¡ = 173
« = 174
» = 175
░ = 176
▒ = 177
▓ = 178
│ = 179
┤ = 180
╡ = 181
╢ = 182
╖ = 183
╕ = 184
╣ = 185
║ = 186
╗ = 187
╝ = 188
╜ = 189
╛ = 190
┐ = 191
└ = 192
┴ = 193
┬ = 194
├ = 195
─ = 196
┼ = 197
╞ = 198
╟ = 199
╚ = 200
╔ = 201
╩ = 202
╦ = 203
╠ = 204
═ = 205
╬ = 206
╧ = 207
╨ = 208
╤ = 209
╥ = 210
╙ = 211
╘ = 212
╒ = 213
╓ = 214
╫ = 215
╪ = 216
┘ = 217
┌ = 218
█ = 219
▄ = 220
▌ = 221
▐ = 222
▀ = 223
α = 224
ß = 225
Γ = 226
π = 227
Σ = 228
σ = 229
µ = 230
τ = 231
Φ = 232
Θ = 233
Ω = 234
δ = 235
∞ = 236
φ = 237
ε = 238
∩ = 239
≡ = 240
± = 241
≥ = 242
≤ = 243
⌠ = 244
⌡ = 245
÷ = 246
≈ = 247
° = 248
∙ = 249
· = 250
√ = 251
ⁿ = 252
² = 253
■ = 254
  = 255

255 is special because it is a blank character, so if you call a file alt + 255, it will be an invisible name.

* It only works when you use the num pad. If you're using a laptop, turn on numlock and do the rest normally.

These unicode characters are really nothing compared to what else is out there. There are WAY MORE than just 255 characters in unicode, and I advise you look at the rest. To see the rest, click Start > Run, then type charmap and press enter. The most populated font I found is Arial Unicode MS, which has thousands of different characters, including chinese, arabic, and other interesting characters.

NOTE: If you want to send an email with unicode characters, watch out, most likely your recipient will not be able to see them the way you see them, just because their email program might not support unicode characters. If they are using Outlook Express, they can click View > Encoding > More > Unicode (UTF-8), and they should see the characters fine. If you find any other solution to this problem, say so!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shutdown prank/hack (Version Two)

This version of the shutdown prank is my own creation, and I really like it, because it'll work more than once. The original version of this hack is a one time prank because you can figure out that Internet Explorer is causing the problem, and never double-click it again. In this version, you make 'em think it's a random error, and they make the mistake again and again before they realize what's happening.

First, click Start>Run, or press Windows Key + R, and type notepad, then press enter. (Notepad can also be found in All Programs>;Accessories>;notepad. And, just in case you're curious, the main location is is C:\WINDOWS\notepad. Type or copy this into notepad with word wrap off:

Set wshshell = wscript.createobject("")

' Create the shell object "iexplore.exe"

' Run Internet Explorer

wscript.sleep 150000

' Wait for 2 minutes and a half (1000 per minute, feel free to add on time)

wscript.echo "Fatal Error: Windows File System is not compatible with your machine. Error number: 94"

' Create a fake error message to freak them out

wscript.sleep 3000

' Wait for 3 seconds "shutdown -s -t 01"

' Shutdown the computer in 1 second. The reason I put "-t 01" is because otherwise it would show a popup for 30 seconds announcing that the computer is turning off.

NOTE: Many lines won't work unless you put them on one line. I double spaced all the lines, so any lines that are single spaced need to be placed on the line before it. For Example: 

wscript.echo "Fatal Error: Windows File System is not compatible with your machine. Error number: 94"

When you copy the code, click right before "your" and press the backspace key to put it on the same line, and so on for all the lines that are single spaced. Also, the lines that begin with a ' are comments, which are just there to show you what the code does.

You can edit wscript.echo "Fatal Error: Windows File System is not compatible with your machine. Error number: 94" between the quotes to say whatever you want it to say.

When you're done editing it, save it as Internet Explorer.vbs. Now, look on your desktop. There should be an icon called Internet Explorer, that shows a blue scroll. WATCH OUT: If you see .vbs in the name on the desktop, then you need to do an extra step. Go to 1 if you see the extension, and go to 2 if you don't.

1. If you see the extension, then you have an extra step. Open my computer, or any other folder, and click Tools>Folder Options, and on the view tab find the option that says "Hide Extensions for Known file types", and uncheck it if it's checked. If it's not checked, then double-check that the .vbs file you made on the desktop does show the .vbs extension. If it's still there and Hide Extensions for known file types is still checked, then go to the File Types tab in the folder options, and find the option that says VBScript File, not VBScript encoded file. Click on VBScript file and press advanced, and there will be an option saying Always show extension for this kind of file.  Uncheck that if it's checked. When you click okay and look at the file on the desktop, it should not show .vbs after Internet Explorer. 

2. Now, you need to right-click the file and select Create Shortcut. Select the original file, and right click it and select properties. Check the box that says hidden, and refresh the desktop by right clicking it and selecting refresh. It should disappear. If you have the option that shows hidden files, open my computer, click tools>folder options, click the view tab, and select the options that says do not show hidden files and folders. Now go back to the desktop, and you should not see the original file, and you should see the shortcut. Right-click the shortcut and click change icon. Change it to Internet Explorer, click okay, then click okay again, and it should look exactly like a shortcut to Internet Explorer. When they double click it, it'll run Internet Explorer like normal, but display an error message and shutdown the computer in 2 and a half minutes. 

I hope you enjoyed this! Don't be dumb with how you use it, and don't blame me if you get in trouble. Don't use it on your boss and get yourself fired, most importantly.


Monday, December 28, 2009

Shutdown prank/hack (Version One)

Click this link to download the file:

Okay, there are many ways of doing this, but I will show you one way, and hopefully you will be able to make your own uses. 

First, right click the desktop and select New>Shortcut. In the box that asks for the location, just type

shutdown -s -t 01

and click next. Name it something like "My biggest secret", or "ALL MY SECRETS, DO NOT TOUCH", or something else that makes people click on it. Click create, then right-click the shortcut that is made. Select properties, then click the Change Icon... Button. Navigate through the icons and find the normal folder icon. Click okay until you're at the desktop again. Your icon should look like a folder named MY BIGGEST SECRET or something like that, and when someone double clicks it, the computer turns off. He he. 

Another Idea is to name it Internet Explorer and choose the Internet Explorer Icon! Be creative, use this hack for different things. Maybe find a folder that one of your family members double clicks often, and move it somewhere else, replacing it with a "duplicate", which is the shutdown button. 

On the other hand, you can do something useful with it by calling it shutdown instead, and changing the icon to the shutdown icon which is near the end of all those icons. That way, you can easily shutdown your computer.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Hack your files: two ways to hide a file

You've probably heard of one way to hide a file, but did you know there's actually two ways? The first way is quite simple. Just right-click the file you want to hide, then click properties, then, at the bottom, there's a checkbox labeled "Hidden". Check this to make the file hidden, then click okay, and refresh the desktop by right-clicking it and selecting "Refresh".

The second way, however, is even better. Right-click the file you want to hide, choose rename, then hold alt while pressing 2, then 5, then 5. IMPORTANT: The numbers need to be entered on the num-pad. The file name disappears. Next, right click the icon, click properties, then go to the customize tab. Click the choose icon button, then browse through the icons until you find two empty spots. All you have to do is select one of those and click okay until you're back at the desktop. Your file is hidden, yet you can still access it!

Tip: If you ever lose your file, all you have to do is Ctrl + A, and all the files will be selected. Look for a blank spot that has a blue square. That is your hidden file.

NOTE: If you're using a laptop for this, just turn numlock on and press k, then i, then i again.

You can also name a file some other symbol, like a music symbol. For a complete list of these symbols, look at the post "Unicode Characters".